lynnette hoffman

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travelling (and happy-snapping) again

Layover in Honiara Airport

Photography and travel to relatively offbeat places used to be a big part of my life. But over the last six or seven years my trips have focused on exploring Australia and visiting family and friends in the US, and I’ve completely stopped taking pictures… At least pictures that require thought and effort.

I decided to conclude 2018 and launch 2019 with my first solo trip since 2010.

At the end of November I booked flights, and the day after Christmas I set off early in the morning from Sydney to Brisbane to Honiara to Tarawa, for a two week adventure in Kiribati.

To ease my way back into documenting, I bought a little canon powershot that fits into my pocket. The camera itself had limitations, and I’m definitely rusty, so the pictures are not the best quality….but it felt wonderful to sit back and observe with a little extra intention.

The five weeks since I returned have been hectic. So it’s only now I’ve had a few moments to reflect. I haven’t felt inclined to really post on social media, but the trip really was a beautiful experience for me. So I’ve decided to slowly document some of the pictures and stories here.

This first one was taken during the hour stopover in the Solomon Islands. I love watching kids playing around windows— and it just seemed so meta the way the two boys were mirroring each other. I so wished I’d had my SLR to properly capture it.