Beyond the Garbage Plate
My hometown of Rochester, NY is most famous for inventing The Garbage Plate, a calorie packed, meat-heavy monstrosity that gets all the culinary glory (and publicity)! I finally tried it when I visited this autumn, so I'll give you my unbiased verdict. But Rochester has much more to offer food lovers, and if you want a taste of the city's culinary diversity, the Rochester Public Market is the perfect place to start. In this episode we'll take a mini tour. You'll meet Mark, the spicy pickle meister (and take a quick look at the health claims around pickle juice), talk purple cauliflower, apple personality types and much more. Founded in 1905, the market is the place to go for eclectic buskers, quirky politicians and super fresh produce.
The original Garbage Plate from Nick Tahou Hots! I finally tried it in the name of research...
Meet the creator of delicious spicy pickles. The references in this article are worth checking out if you're interested in the health claims around pickles.
If you go to Rochester (you can detour on the way to Niagra Falls!) then you should definitely visit the public market. They even do tours.
Want to know what your favourite apple tells you about your personality? Try this link -- it seems to be down right now, but hopefully that's temporary....
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Oh and listen to the end to hear my reaction when this guy entered the room...